Posts tagged ‘provisions’

September 19, 2012

Redistributing Wealth

by pastortimfowler


I heard on the news this morning that Pres. Obama said that he believed in redistributing wealth. DUH! He has said that for many years. Why is it news now? I too believe in redistributing wealth, but of a different kind. Let me explain.
Socialism is the act of taking from those who have much and giving to those who have little. It sounds noble, but it leaves out the fact that there is only so much you can take from someone before they have nothing left to generate wealth with. It does take money to make money. Our government believes this and that is why they propose stimulus packages. Pretty soon those who had money and could make money lose that ability and then there is no one to provide jobs that pay a living wage. It won’t matter what the minimum wage law is, if you don’t have people to hire others, there just won’t be anyone with money. This is what happened to Cuba and is happening in Europe.
But there is a source of wealth that is never-ending. It is the riches of Heaven and of God. He has told all of His believers to give and give abundantly. Give to the poor and it will be given to you. Perhaps this is an area of neglect by the church that has motivated governments to try to step in a help. If the church and its people gave like God says give, we would not need government welfare. But giving should be an act of love not a mandate of government.
Jesus did not from those who had much to give to those who had little. All through the Bible when God asked people to give, it was those who were poor. The widow and her son were asked to give to Elijah. The boy with a couple of fish and some bread was asked give. The widow gave the most because she gave a penny. Jesus took what those who gave in faith and in love and multiplied it and redistributed out of His power, not the power of the all mighty dollar or a government.
Christians need to trust in God’s provisions. We need to be those who redistribute the wealth, but not our own; God’s.
Luke 6:38…Give, and you will receive. A large quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over will be put into your pocket. The standards you use for others will be applied to you.”